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Kulrian/Bareta, Punjab, India
I am simple and coool boy.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Five K's of Modern Times

The five Kakkars bestowed upon the Sikhs by Guru Gobind Singh are the basic essence of Sikhi and were supposed to not only set us apart from the multitudes but to instill the concept of �Saint-Soldier�. This concept is the true reflection of the timeless nature of Democratic Religiosity which is enshrined only in Sikhism.

Kesh is a symbol of Saintliness. Kanga, the comb, is necessary for keeping the hair clean and tidy. Kara a symbol of restraint and gentility is also a reminder that the Sikh is forever bonded to the Guru. Made of iron, it reminds you to be like iron to fight for justice and to protect the innocent. Kachhehra is regarded as symbol of chastity and self control. Kirpan, an emblem of courage and adventure, is also a symbol of self-respect, prestige and independence. It is supposed to be used only for self-defense or for the defence of the weak and innocent.

With the passage of time, the concept of Sikh Identity and the five Kakkars has also changed. The modern Sikh Society has discarded the original Kakkars as irrelevant and have adopted the Modern Kakkars. The new Kakkars are Kothi(Banglow), Kar(Car), Kash(Cash), Kukkad(Chicken) and Kudi(Girls).

Wah re Sikhs!! Where is your Sikhi!!!!

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